This was how WPS looked when I joined it 1987. I keep hearing from the ex-students that though the new building is good, they still miss the old one (they fondly address it as the "fort " building). As it was pulled down before 2000, many students haven't had a chance to see it. So, here it is for those of you who haven't seen it and also for those who miss it !!!
Monday, September 27, 2010
This was how WPS looked when I joined it 1987. I keep hearing from the ex-students that though the new building is good, they still miss the old one (they fondly address it as the "fort " building). As it was pulled down before 2000, many students haven't had a chance to see it. So, here it is for those of you who haven't seen it and also for those who miss it !!!
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This old picture of our school building takes me WAY WAY back to those memories when I first joined in UKG in 1988. Entering through the main door, I used to feel like entering a sacred monument!....Thank you very much Jyothi teacher for the picture...
Hi Rigved,
This picture took even me into that memorable past. I'm sure many of us treasure it in our heart. Glad that you hold your Almamater in high regard. Good wishes to you & Madhu......
This is awesome. I remember,when I was in 8th class, our classroom was the first one to be seen right at the entrance of this building. Of course, this helped us to maintain silence and discipline :)
hello madam this is prafulla belonging to 06-07 batch. i think u don`t remember me, haha as i`m not good at my English at that time but good at maths and science.Any way thanks a lot for regularly posting us about our school.
Hi Prafulla,
Don't underestimate yourself. Well, I do remember you. When I remember students who completed class X 20 years ago, how can I forget you? You don't need to be good in English to be remembered.
Hey Jyothi maam,
This is Aabid nawaz here, hope you remember me, I played the role of the Cardinal in the Play the Poison Party, which was so Flawlessly Directed by you :)
Time being as strange as it is, In retrospect it all seems like Yesterday that this was the Office Building, and then later torn down to give way for the Volley Ball Ground. I have fond memories of this place maam, I mean they were'nt lying when they said that the last safe place after your home is the School.
I have bookmarked this site for future reference maam, You are doing a great job Maintaining it ! :)
Thanks a lot.
Take Care maam.
The first thing which comes into any WPS old hand (before 2000 ofcourse) would be the Fort. Assembly in front of it, sports, enjoying the annual day sitting in front of the fort, Awwww!!!! Nostalgic :(:(
Thanks Ma'am for posting this pic...
Identity - 1997 passout, X B
Hello Ma'am,
I don't know if you remember me. I am Vidushi Kaushik. You thought me in class V. I was in the same class as Spoorthi, Jaya and Vishwas. You might remember my brother, Tushar. I would like to thank you for posting this pic. I am so saddened that the old building has been demolished. I had some very good times in the WPS.
hello madam,
its really heart-warming so see a picture of the old school days have been the best days of my life.....
hello mam,
This is Tharun Avadhanula.i guess u remember me. i belong to the same batch to which vidyullatha belongs but (section A). i am delighted on looking at the fort building picture after so many years. if
you can post some more pictures, it would be a great pleasure for many students to commemorate their G"olden"days at the school.
2003 passed out(A-section)
The memories of my school still haunt me today...It might seem silly , but I still get dreams of palaces based on the architecture and layout of the old building...I can write pages and pages about this(I am glad I have a place to pen down my ideas)...As a kid I used to explore every nook and corner of this building(can attribute this freedom to being the son of a teacher in WPS...ha ha)..but I can't seriously express the sweet feeling that I get when I think of the KG classes, the passage behind those windows...The underground classrooms whcich I used to explore even before the new building was constructed...the staffroom, the library and the enigmatic wooden stairs( I had been there once..but still cant figure out if it was a dream or something real)...I remember the staffroom where I used to have my lunch specially with near my mom's place...I specially like the room beside the library which was our classroom in 1992(II C)...the nursery room and games room where we used to play still remember the days when my dad used to come and pick me up from the sheds...I used to bend down and recognize him by his shoes)...this list is gonna go on for ever...thanks a lot teacher for posting this... Please try to post videos /photos of the old building, our annual day plays in 1992/93 and the Jean and Pierre play in which I played Pierre(If im not wrong)...I'd be so happy...Thank you again
I remember each and every room of this old building,when computer training classes were started,the computer lab was in the first room as soon as we enter the front door,beside that there was Principals room,I did not forget the structure of the building.We used to gather in front of the old building for morning prayer.Later we used to gather in the ground at the other side which was behind.The old building was demolished when I was studying there.I dont think if any of my teacher remember me.Thanks for teaching us good things.
Oh so many sweet memories looking back at this photo. Thanks a lot for posting this photo and doing the blog Jyoti teacher!
PS - Btw, I don't remember seeing any greens in front of the building. Artist rendering I suppose :)
Haaa... at last, I found one.
I have been waiting for this picture for quite some time. I tried scanning the very old school magazine "Spandana", which didn't give good result.
Well, as for me, the symbol that holds in my mind for WPS still is this fort building. Quite nostalgic. Lot's of memories.
Thank you Ma'am for the priceless picture you shared with us.
ha iam very very happy to this pic. i still remember those days, we use to sit on the steps after 3.30 daily.we even use to have computer lab in that fort building.thank so much mam.
Blogger harikiran said...
i still remember our class (when we were in 8th in 1988-89) was in the main entrance, beside the principal's room and the funniest thing which blushes me even today is i used be present kneeling down outside the class room many of times for not making fair notes. believe me! that's still my habit, i don't have a habit of making fair notes even today. OLD HABITS DIE HARDER!!
I always felt that our school is a historic monument. The architecture is very impressive and royal. Though the new building is modern & good , I'm taker of " Old is Gold ".
The picture flashes all my memories before me - the administrative building , the library, the staff room , the assembly , the grounds....ufff i can't stop thinking about our school. I miss it very much..
Thank you mam for refreshing my memory !!!
Radhika Devarakonda ( 1997 batch)
Hi Mam
Everytime I see This pic ..Tears roll down my eyes .I still remember the Transformation this building has gone through.Even though I joined The school in 1984 .I still remeber everyday I spent in the building right from 1986.
Everytime I think of Those ,My whole body shivers,with tears rolling down my eyes.
I fondly remember the every opportunty I got go up the wooden stairs to the top of building...
To see from the top ...
The computer Lab which was there.
The office room where in we would pay school fee.
And the Big Staff room where in you all people were sitting..
I used to cherish every opportunity to carry books into staff room to see wht it would look like...
I still remember the place where chalk pice box used to placed with a lot of white dust beneath it..
The Old lunch room beside the staff room...
So many things ..
I cant stop..Memories which shall remain with me for ever ..for ever ..
I love My school so much..beyond words..expression less
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